free mobile recharge online game
Free Mobile Recharge Online Game
It’s biggest scam in my experience.
I know my English is bad please bear with me. This is my first post. I had to share this.
Let’s see why.
This app gives two choice to earn money either you enter tournament by using in-game coins or by real cash. Let’s analyse separately.
First using in game coins. There are big tournaments if you top in them you may win Rs 1lac. It’s tempting isn’t it? Yes, I started playing hoping to win some money. To my surprise you can only win 3 or 4 Rs, atleast I could win that much, if you are pro you might win at Max 10rs. Why I am telling it’s fraud beacause it’s gimmick to attract users.
I am playing this game from two months now and played most big tournaments. one thing I noticed you cannot possibly beat top scorer I mean it’s practically impossible to score that much score. Either they are cheaters or bots from game developer itself so that they can set top score in such a way no real player can ever break . They tell that if anyone cheats they will be banned for life and they can’t withdraw money and at the same time they are not paying winning top prizes to next genuine top scorer. Either way those big prize money will be with company.
Second using real cash.
It’s a recent feature. ex you pay 4 Rs if you win you get 6 Rs one more 10 entry 16 winning. Why I am saying this is also fraud. I had 70 Rs winning money before this feature. I started playing using cash it worked fine in the beginning I was winning few loosing few going no where that’s not the problem here. What I noticed is whenever I play using in game coins it used to work fine but when i started playing for real cash it’s started saying you lost connection. And you loose your entry fee. I lost all my money. finally I uninstalled it.
I don’t who are regulating this platform but right now it’s biggest scam. Understand one thing there is no freebies in this world everybody has motive. Don’t give in to temptation...ReadMore